Green Angel Training Program - Basic
...for people who care about our planet and our future...
Become an Eco-Ambassador by learning about sustainable best-practices, energy and water conservation, and potentially toxic ingredients that are in our personal care products, cosmetics, home, office and school cleansers.
What does being an Eco-Ambassador mean?
You can utilize your knowledge by speaking at parent association meetings at schools, or by making appointments at homes or businesses to discuss the products being used, the ramifications of their use, healthy alternatives, and an action plan. Or, you can simply become empowered by the information you’ve learned to extend ‘the conversation’ to people in your life.
What is the training?
It is a resource that includes both text and videos and some phone mentoring with Dr. Dan Kingsbury. The expectation is that you spend 2 - 3 hours on each of the 4 parts of the program.
What are the 4 parts?
Part 1 - Detoxifying Canadians (and all North Americans)
Part one contains videos and articles to help you build your knowledge base about toxins found in products we use and consume every day, sustainable food choices, energy, water, and waste. This information can be shared with your friends, family and colleagues to generate interest. It’s the conversation that counts!
Part 2 - Identifying your core values
- Identifying your core values
- Thinking about your success metrics
- Phone consult with Dr. Dan Kingsbury
Part 3 - Going deeper into the issues with articles, videos and questions covering:
- Foods
- Pesticides
- Indoor and outdoor air quality
- Toxins and chemicals in everyday products
- Plastics
- Check-list for the home
- Questions and answers on chemical pollution
Part 4 – Open book review and Eco-Audit
Following the successful completion of the training you will be given:
- Course Completion Certificate
- Form letter templates to send to potential clients and videos to pique their interest
- ‘Good Idea Steps’ - a cookbook of suggestions for home, office or school visits
- Business card template in the form of a 7-panel pocket guide which includes sustainable seafood choices and information on toxic chemicals found in cosmetics, cleansers and personal care products
How do you qualify for training?
- 16+ years of age
- A strong desire to be a part of the 'solution' and share the conversation
What is the cost?
- $50 - cheque or money order
- $59 - by credit card for instant online access
All proceeds go to The Jellyfish Project, a coalition of musicians for our environment and our future, who educate youth on ocean sustainability, climate change and environmental stewardship.